Academic Catalog

College Closing Procedures

Policy 250

When inclement weather warrants the possibility of closing day, evening classes, or create a school day delay at Glen Oaks Community College, the following procedure will be implemented. 

If severe weather conditions appear to be developing, the Director of Building & Grounds will contact the College President or designee to discuss general road/travel conditions.  If State Police OR the Sheriff officially closes the roads, no one is expected to travel.  The President OR designee will make decision as to whether or not to have a delayed start OR to close/cancel school for the day.  The college may close for the entire day and/or have a delayed start notification – The President or designee will notify President’s Executive Associate by 5:30 a.m. and she/he will notify the various news-media outlets (TV & radio stations) accordingly: WLKM (96FM), WMSH (99.3FM), WNWN (98.5), WKFR (FM 103.3), WKFR (103.3) WRKR (107.7), WTHD (105.5 LaGrange), WKZO (96.5) and television station WWMT (Kalamazoo Channel 3), WOOD TV8 (Channel 8 & 41), FOX 28 and WNDU (Channel 16).  The FIRST areas the closing or delay will be posted on will be the Glen Oaks website and Channel 3 news.  In the event of early dismissal and/or afternoon or evening closure, similar protocol as outlined above will be followed.  (evening closures = notifications by 3:00 4:00 p.m.).  The only deviation from this would be IF there was an immediate change of weather and/or orders by the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department banning travel.   IF the college has delayed start (usually 2 hours), Faculty, Staff and Students should meet where they would normally be at THAT time.  This applies for ALL ON CAMPUS classes.  EXAMPLE:  If you attend a class that normally runs from 8am-11am, you would report for that class at the 10:00 a.m. start time.  ANY classes that would normally end PRIOR to the delayed start time, will NOT be held.

In the event that the college will be closed or have a delayed start time, the President or designee will initiate a phone fan-out call list to employees notifying them accordingly.  An e-mail or text alert will be sent out to those who have signed up to receive that method of communication from GOCC.

Considering the size of our service area, it is often difficult to get an accurate report on the weather conditions overall.  In all situations the best judgment and information available will be utilized.  However, in the final analysis, each person must use their own best judgment regarding weather conditions and their ability to drive to campus safely.

Employees are expected to report for work and fulfill their hourly obligations whenever the College is open.

Policy History:  Adopted by Board of Trustees 10/29/99, revised 10/13/04, 10/25/07, 6/11/14, 2/26/15, 5/13/15, 2/15/18, 12/8/2022, 4/13/2023