Academic Catalog

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy

Policy 3.40



The Glen Oaks Community College Board of Trustees certifies and pledges that it will provide a drug-free workplace and learning environment for its employees and students.  This pledge is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, 34 CFR Part 85, Subpart F and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).

Glen Oaks Community College recognizes that clear evidence exists that the misuse and abuse of alcohol and drugs can erode the foundation of the College’s goals and objectives and can diminish the attainment of intellectual, social, physical, and moral growth and development.  Glen Oaks is committed to a healthy and productive college environment by providing free literature and abuse referral services.


The Glen Oaks Community College Board of Trustees prohibits the possession, use, distribution, dispensing and unlawful manufacturing of illegal drugs, narcotics, or controlled substances on the College campus, in student housing, or at any College-approved student activity (i.e., College-approved student travel and for overnight stays).

Recreational Marijuana and marijuana prescribed for medicinal purposes is also prohibited on the College campus, in student housing, or at any College-approved student activity. GOCC receives federal funding through Title IV in the form of student financial aid (grants, loans, and work-study programs) and through federal research grants. As a condition of accepting these funds, the College is required to certify that it complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) (20 U.S.C. 1145g part 86 of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Regulations). The federal government regulates drugs through the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. A 811) which does not recognize the difference between medical and recreational use of marijuana. Thus, to comply with the Federal Drug Free School and Communities Act and to avoid losing federal funding, Glen Oaks Community College must prohibit all marijuana use, including medical marijuana.

No alcohol or other intoxicating liquors shall be kept, used, or consumed on campus, in student housing, or at any College-approved student activity (i.e., College-approved student travel and/or overnight stays), except at approved functions.

Persons who are on the College campus and who appear to be under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or drugs, will be removed from the College campus.

Any person taking prescription drugs or over-the-counter medication is individually responsible for ensuring that while taking the drug or medication, he/she is not a safety risk to themselves or others while on College property, at College-related events, while driving a College or privately owned vehicle while engaged in College business. It is illegal to misuse prescribed drugs contrary to the prescription or to give or sell the prescribed drug(s) to another person.


Glen Oaks Community College abides by all local, state, and federal laws and may ask an appropriate law enforcement agency to impose appropriate sanctions if a violation of any local, state, or federal law shall take place on the College campus or at any College function.

When there is probable cause, which is based upon credible information, Glen Oaks Community College may require that a student or employee be tested for alcohol or drugs.  The failure to submit to a breathalyzer test for alcohol or a urinalysis test for drugs may result in disciplinary action.  The words “probable cause” as used herein shall be defined as a reasonable basis for the formulation of a belief that an individual is using and/or abusing alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.  The words “credible information” is defined as including, but not limited to, the following “warning signs”:

            (1)        Excessive absenteeism or tardiness;

            (2)        Excessive illness;

            (3)        Deteriorating or inconsistent work performance;

            (4)        Increased carelessness;

            (5)        Decrease in attention span, especially after breaks or lunch;

            (6)        Frequent brushing of the teeth or use of mouthwash, breath spray, breath mints or other breath fresheners, especially before conferences with instructors or administrators;

            (7)        Substantial increase in use of the rest room or water cooler;

            (8)        Avoidance of instructors, administrators, or other students, especially if this is a recent change in behavior.

            (9)        Deteriorating or inconsistent attention to personal grooming and neatness;

            (10)      Financial problems, especially if the student has not previously had such problems;

            (11)      Frequent licking of the lips;

            (12)      Nervousness, especially when discussing work performance or personal life;

            (13)      Gastric disturbances or change in appetite;

            (14)      Insomnia;

            (15)      Moody behavior or "mood swings";

            (16)      Unexplainable bruised and/or puffy skin, especially in the face;

            (17)      Dilated pupils;

            (18)      Slurred or incoherent speech;

            (19)      Lack of dexterity;

            (20)      Uncontrollable crying or laughing.

Glen Oaks Community College students and employees can assist in the detection of the use and/or abuse of alcohol and drugs by looking for these "warning signs".  Students or employees who use and/or abuse alcoholic beverages and/or drugs while on campus, in student housing, or while attending a College-approved student activity shall be subject to sanctions that may include any of the following:  verbal warning, written letter of censure, suspension or immediate dismissal (should the behavior be both improper and a potential threat to the College or the College community). A student convicted of a drug-related offense under federal or state law may also become ineligible for federal student aid under federal law.


In order to strive toward a drug-free workplace, Glen Oaks Community College will require a pre-employment urinalysis for new employees.  This applies to all full-time and part-time permanent positions at Glen Oaks Community College.  The urinalysis will be performed by a reputable clinical laboratory, the expense of which will be assumed by Glen Oaks Community College.  If the urinalysis registers a positive result (the presence of narcotics or illegal drugs), the candidate will not be hired.


Any employee who consumes alcoholic beverages while actively engaged in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of their employment (excluding College-sponsored "entertainment" functions which employees may attend in connection with their employment), and any employee who uses illegal drugs while in the course of employment, shall be subject to sanctions as outlined in the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreements and/or the Glen Oaks Community College Policy Manual.  Violations by faculty or staff may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.  Employees who have CDL will be required to undergo mandatory random drug/alcohol testing as notified by the HR Department. If a Glen Oaks Community College employee is convicted of violating a criminal drug statute (non-alcohol related) on the College campus, or at a College function, that employee must notify Glen Oaks within five (5) days after such conviction.  Within thirty (30) days after such conviction, Glen Oaks shall take one of the following actions:  (1) take appropriate personnel action against the employee up to and including termination; and/or (2) require the employee to satisfactorily participate in an approved drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.  Glen Oaks Community College shall also notify the appropriate agency of the Department of Education within ten (10) days after the conviction.


Glen Oaks Community College is committed to addressing the problem of substance abuse through education, prevention, and referral. The President of the College will designate a Glen Oaks Community College employee as the Substance Abuse Counselor.  The Substance Abuse Counselor will annually coordinate/organize and make available free literature to students and employees.  This information will include: (1) standards of conduct, (2) a description of the legal sanctions, (3) a description of the health risks, (4) a description of drug or alcohol programs available to students and employees, and (5) a clear statement of the Glen Oaks Community College sanctions it may impose on students and employees.  The Substance Abuse Counselor will provide initial counseling and limited supportive services.  The primary goal of the Substance Abuse Counselor is to provide the student or the employee with a referral for treatment or rehabilitation.  Once a referral is made, the Substance Abuse Counselor shall provide the appropriate follow up. 

College employees or students who exhibit "warning signs" of drug/alcohol misuse or abuse in the workplace and who refer themselves for assistance will be supported, educated, and referred to appropriate agencies for treatment.  Those employees or students who are diagnosed as drug or alcohol misusers or abusers shall receive the same consideration and opportunity for treatment that is extended to persons with any other type of illness.  Confidentiality shall be maintained and no adverse effects to an employee or a student shall result based upon a request for treatment or a diagnosis of misuse or abuse.

If an employee has been referred to the Substance Abuse Counselor by a supervisor or if a student has been referred to the Substance Abuse Counselor by an instructor or a College administrator and if treatment is recommended and treatment is refused or terminated, the fact of such refusal or termination of treatment shall be made known to the individual who referred the employee or student to the Substance Abuse Counselor.  If an employee or a student (1) refuses to accept diagnosis and treatment, or (2) fails to respond to treatment, and if the result of such refusal or failure is such that job performance, behavior on campus or learning ability is affected, that person shall be considered in violation of College policies and shall be subject to discipline.

Additional information about the physical and psychological consequences of substance abuse is available in the Glen Oaks Learning Commons and through the Glen Oaks Community College Substance Abuse Counselor in Student Services. Glen Oaks Community College also works closely with the Substance Abuse agencies in the area.

Glen Oaks Community College will review its Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program every two (2) years in an attempt to determine its effectiveness and to implement changes as needed.

Adopted by Board of Trustees June 12, 1991, revised 9/14/05, 9/17/14, 8/10/17, 1/10/19, reviewed 3/9/23